

all purchases are done.

i am ready to make my quick(er) version of a quilt for our bed.

using the pattern and directions in my new martha stewart book, i'm going to make this:

except, not as a duvet cover, on the top of a store-bought quilt.

still figuring out the best (easiest) way to do the applique- but i'm not worried.

so, picture the design above with this materials:

the quilt (in white):
(i got it at home goods for a deal!)

the fabrics for the applique are from the fat quarter bunch i posted earlier:
(of course, all mixed together, not separated by color as seen here)

photos of the fabric from fancy tiger

reason why i like this project: it is a modern design using traditional fabrics.



today's quotes

Marc is flipping channels between Wimbledon and the World Cup... needless to say, I am not very into it.

So I am sitting beside him reading Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts. I am being very disciplined and am reading it page by page. So far I have learned all about different types of fabrics and threads. Interestingly, there is NOTHING about synthetic fabrics in here (rayon, polyester, etc.) Martha goes into great detail about types of cotton, wool, linen, and silk. Perhaps she would never consider using polyester or other synthetics.... Kind of funny, but I guess I am not really thinking about using those either.

After the fabric/thread section, sewing is explained in detail. That's where I am at right now. I read two quotes that I especially liked....

A well-equipped sewing space encourages creativity.

But I like this quote with one word out...

A well-equipped sewing space encourages creativity.

The other quote I really liked is this (bold is my emphasis):

Sewing lets you be creative in three dimensions: think pillows and toys, clothing and tote bags. So, not only is there the thrill of poring over fabrics in an endless variety of weights, textures, colors, and patterns, there's also the satisfaction of transforming something flat into an object you can put into good use.

Back to reading! :)


i'm baaaaa-aaaack!

Well, here I am. Back and ready to go for summer. The end of the school year was a monster and then I taught summer school, (which was wonderful!) Now I have cleaned and organized most of my classroom, and am ready for the month of July to be filled with great creative endeavors!

First project: cafe curtains for my classroom.
My mom shared a great idea for quick and easy cafe curtains: pillow cases.
She got the idea from Better Homes and Gardens, but I can't seem to find a suitable link that shows the article. So oh well. Picture this: take a pillow case. Rip the seams out of the sides and top. Keep the bottom (the opening) intact with the finished seam. Then, re-sew the panel to have finished sides and a an opening at the top for the curtain rod.
Voila! Instant cafe curtains at a much lower price.

I already use flat sheets for bulletin boards instead of butcher paper or fabric. They're cheap and big and easy to find in lots of colors. Best of all: they last forever. My current sheets were bad- after years of use. So I bought all new, pale yellow sheets for my room. The brain book I am reading suggests that pale yellow is a good color to stimulate learning in an elementary-aged classroom. So, I bought pillow cases that matched for my windows. I've ripped out the seams and just need to sew it back up. I think I'll add cute trim to add a little personality. I will post pictures when I am finished.

In other news, I bought two new books- one a little while ago, and one yesterday.
The New Crewel was purchased a little while ago during a bookstore date with Marc. I have never done crewel embroidery, although it doesn't seem all that different or difficult from what I have done (especially with my mom ready to call on). What I liked so much about this book were the really up-to-date, interesting, modern stitches and patterns. I don't even think they have to be crewel, I could use the stitches in any medium/method. Lots to inspire in this book. I will keep it as a catalog of neat stitch ideas.

I also got a new book yesterday.

This one I have eyed for a while. It was so big and pricey, I was not sure I would ever get it. But, I received a gift recently that did not work for me, and I was able to take it back to the bookstore. It turned out that I could get this book for only 2¢ more than my store credit! Whoo-hoo! Meant to be. I looked through it and already have a ton of ideas. I am so excited.

I have made a space for a sewing machine. I am working (still) on de-cluttering life but I can totally see the light at the end of the not-so-messy tunnel! I have projects ready and patterns to make them. Next up after the cafe curtains is a quilt for our bed with appliqued toile fabric. (And that, too, is a time-saving pattern, which I will share soon.)
I am totally ready and excited.

Summer is here! :)