Well, here I am. Back and ready to go for summer. The end of the school year was a monster and then I taught summer school, (which was wonderful!) Now I have cleaned and organized most of my classroom, and am ready for the month of July to be filled with great creative endeavors!
First project: cafe curtains for my classroom.
My mom shared a great idea for quick and easy cafe curtains: pillow cases.
She got the idea from Better Homes and Gardens, but I can't seem to find a suitable link that shows the article. So oh well. Picture this: take a pillow case. Rip the seams out of the sides and top. Keep the bottom (the opening) intact with the finished seam. Then, re-sew the panel to have finished sides and a an opening at the top for the curtain rod.
Voila! Instant cafe curtains at a much lower price.
I already use flat sheets for bulletin boards instead of butcher paper or fabric. They're cheap and big and easy to find in lots of colors. Best of all: they last forever. My current sheets were bad- after years of use. So I bought all new, pale yellow sheets for my room. The brain book I am reading suggests that pale yellow is a good color to stimulate learning in an elementary-aged classroom. So, I bought pillow cases that matched for my windows. I've ripped out the seams and just need to sew it back up. I think I'll add cute trim to add a little personality. I will post pictures when I am finished.
In other news, I bought two new books- one a little while ago, and one yesterday.
The New Crewel was purchased a little while ago during a bookstore date with Marc. I have never done crewel embroidery, although it doesn't seem all that different or difficult from what I have done (especially with my mom ready to call on). What I liked so much about this book were the really up-to-date, interesting, modern stitches and patterns. I don't even think they have to be crewel, I could use the stitches in any medium/method. Lots to inspire in this book. I will keep it as a catalog of neat stitch ideas.
I also got a new book yesterday.
This one I have eyed for a while. It was so big and pricey, I was not sure I would ever get it. But, I received a gift recently that did not work for me, and I was able to take it back to the bookstore. It turned out that I could get this book for only 2¢ more than my store credit! Whoo-hoo! Meant to be. I looked through it and already have a ton of ideas. I am so excited.
I have made a space for a sewing machine. I am working (still) on de-cluttering life but I can totally see the light at the end of the not-so-messy tunnel! I have projects ready and patterns to make them. Next up after the cafe curtains is a quilt for our bed with appliqued toile fabric. (And that, too, is a time-saving pattern, which I will share soon.)
I am totally ready and excited.
Summer is here! :)