There's a new friend at our birdfeeder!
the american goldfinch
Also, until I take pictures of the work in the garden, here are a few plants we've added.

peony- it looks just like this... i am not sure what color it will end up being.
i LOVE peonies. can't wait to cut our roses, some peonies, and a few other flowers for vases!

cosmos- all along the back fence.
we have a beautiful, established garden that the previous homeowners worked very hard on.
but it is all up against the house. when you look out the window, you look over the garden to the grass and fence. i want some colors to pop at the fence so i have something to look out to when i open the blinds in the morning. i just love cosmos, and i am hoping they will go bonkers. i bought a lot...
meanwhile, our porch needed some container plants, so here are the ones i chose.

these are (in order), sweet potato vine, kong coleus, euphorbia, redhead coleus, vinca vine, pink chaos coleus, rusty red ipomoea, asparagus fern, indian summer coleus, 3d silver osteospermum, and splish splash coleus.
the colors of our house are sage green and a rusty cranberry color. i have hung purple petunia baskets along our porch, with a bright pink/purple/white basket of impatiens near our chairs. so i was going for green, purple, and red plants. the bright pink touches were accidental and i love it. :)