
merry christmas

hi one... and all...
though after my absence, i am sure it is more 'one' than 'all.'


i do promise i'll be better. life is busy.
i long for my own little projects, and books, and piano.

yes, we got a piano. i love it!

until then, i want to share this with you. marc shared it today and i love it.

have a very merry christmas! :)


so much potential

At first I wanted to label this post "Ready to Pop" but then I thought,
"that means something completely different." :)

Today is our (hopefully) last day of packing. (Pretty much.) We just went out for bagels and talked about how EXCITED we are for our new house. We have given up on so much because our place was so small... Last year we had no Christmas tree because we had no place to put it. I don't cook very much because we have so much stacked in our cupboards- getting a pot or pan is harder than it should be. I don't grocery shop as much as I should because we park far from our apartment and walk up three flights.

We just can't wait to spread out and do life! We are so thankful to have this house.

I chose this picture because it is exactly how we feel: In all that we are, and in all that we do, and in all that we have, we really have all that we need. (Thank you, Lord.)
But to have a little more space makes it possible to really become what we envision
for our life, well-being, and marriage.

I bet those little kernels can't wait to expand and achieve their purpose.

Me too. :)


love it!

and the caption from the video states...
Let yourself dance freely. Be your own style. You never know who might be watching!
...so great!

(moving in 15 days. all creativity boxed up ready to find a new home.
the first thing i am going to do in our new house is blast music so loud...
because i have always shared a wall with someone else, until now.)

(and i'll probably dance a little too.)

thanks, hollie, for the video. :)


hip hip



what happened?

I am such a bad blogger...

Really, though, my guilt is just about that short-lived.

It's been a busy summer, and I am totally okay with the fact that I've probably lost the interest of anyone reading this thing. That is, besides my mom, Madonna, and probably Brenda, my mother-in-law. And they all already know what's up. Right, ladies?! :)

So summer is done. Back in school as of yesterday.
I am left with two thoughts:

what happened?

what happened!

The biggest news of all: We have a house!
(Well, we're under contract for a house.)
That's what happened!

Read this next part in your best Grover voice:
SERIOUSLY folks! Do you KNOW what that MEANS?
It means a HOME for all of my WONDERFUL crafts!
My crafts get their VERY OWN ROOM.

And if we are VERY VERY QUIET,
there will be a HOUSE at the end of this MONTH.

:) I am cautiously excited.

Update on projects:
cafe curtains: original seams ripped... and that's about it
bed quilt: eh... the fabrics are pre-washed (that's something... right?)
christmas needlepoint ornament: surprisingly, almost done

imagined decorating projects in house: regularly scheduled daydream

For now, I will leave you with this link to a great blog on upcycling dresses. I've seen this blog before, but it was featured on Yahoo News today and it refreshed my memory.

Can't wait to post pictures once we reach the END of this MONTH.


p.s. please pray that the house works out.



all purchases are done.

i am ready to make my quick(er) version of a quilt for our bed.

using the pattern and directions in my new martha stewart book, i'm going to make this:

except, not as a duvet cover, on the top of a store-bought quilt.

still figuring out the best (easiest) way to do the applique- but i'm not worried.

so, picture the design above with this materials:

the quilt (in white):
(i got it at home goods for a deal!)

the fabrics for the applique are from the fat quarter bunch i posted earlier:
(of course, all mixed together, not separated by color as seen here)

photos of the fabric from fancy tiger

reason why i like this project: it is a modern design using traditional fabrics.



today's quotes

Marc is flipping channels between Wimbledon and the World Cup... needless to say, I am not very into it.

So I am sitting beside him reading Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts. I am being very disciplined and am reading it page by page. So far I have learned all about different types of fabrics and threads. Interestingly, there is NOTHING about synthetic fabrics in here (rayon, polyester, etc.) Martha goes into great detail about types of cotton, wool, linen, and silk. Perhaps she would never consider using polyester or other synthetics.... Kind of funny, but I guess I am not really thinking about using those either.

After the fabric/thread section, sewing is explained in detail. That's where I am at right now. I read two quotes that I especially liked....

A well-equipped sewing space encourages creativity.

But I like this quote with one word out...

A well-equipped sewing space encourages creativity.

The other quote I really liked is this (bold is my emphasis):

Sewing lets you be creative in three dimensions: think pillows and toys, clothing and tote bags. So, not only is there the thrill of poring over fabrics in an endless variety of weights, textures, colors, and patterns, there's also the satisfaction of transforming something flat into an object you can put into good use.

Back to reading! :)


i'm baaaaa-aaaack!

Well, here I am. Back and ready to go for summer. The end of the school year was a monster and then I taught summer school, (which was wonderful!) Now I have cleaned and organized most of my classroom, and am ready for the month of July to be filled with great creative endeavors!

First project: cafe curtains for my classroom.
My mom shared a great idea for quick and easy cafe curtains: pillow cases.
She got the idea from Better Homes and Gardens, but I can't seem to find a suitable link that shows the article. So oh well. Picture this: take a pillow case. Rip the seams out of the sides and top. Keep the bottom (the opening) intact with the finished seam. Then, re-sew the panel to have finished sides and a an opening at the top for the curtain rod.
Voila! Instant cafe curtains at a much lower price.

I already use flat sheets for bulletin boards instead of butcher paper or fabric. They're cheap and big and easy to find in lots of colors. Best of all: they last forever. My current sheets were bad- after years of use. So I bought all new, pale yellow sheets for my room. The brain book I am reading suggests that pale yellow is a good color to stimulate learning in an elementary-aged classroom. So, I bought pillow cases that matched for my windows. I've ripped out the seams and just need to sew it back up. I think I'll add cute trim to add a little personality. I will post pictures when I am finished.

In other news, I bought two new books- one a little while ago, and one yesterday.
The New Crewel was purchased a little while ago during a bookstore date with Marc. I have never done crewel embroidery, although it doesn't seem all that different or difficult from what I have done (especially with my mom ready to call on). What I liked so much about this book were the really up-to-date, interesting, modern stitches and patterns. I don't even think they have to be crewel, I could use the stitches in any medium/method. Lots to inspire in this book. I will keep it as a catalog of neat stitch ideas.

I also got a new book yesterday.

This one I have eyed for a while. It was so big and pricey, I was not sure I would ever get it. But, I received a gift recently that did not work for me, and I was able to take it back to the bookstore. It turned out that I could get this book for only 2¢ more than my store credit! Whoo-hoo! Meant to be. I looked through it and already have a ton of ideas. I am so excited.

I have made a space for a sewing machine. I am working (still) on de-cluttering life but I can totally see the light at the end of the not-so-messy tunnel! I have projects ready and patterns to make them. Next up after the cafe curtains is a quilt for our bed with appliqued toile fabric. (And that, too, is a time-saving pattern, which I will share soon.)
I am totally ready and excited.

Summer is here! :)


quick hello

I'm not sure who is even reading my blog now that I have been so absent for so long.

It's the end of the school year, that's why. And it has been a very busy, stressful year.

I am teaching our friend's daughter how to make friendship bracelets today, and I decided to log on to YouTube so that I could refresh my middle-school memory of them.

On my home page, it suggested I view this, and I thought it was a very creative video.

I am so excited for summer and all the ideas I've got about projects.

Hope you are enjoying a sunny May day. :)


down in it

just for the record.

out in cyberville...

i am officially swamped.

not lazy.

not 'over' the blog deal.

not even thinking remotely about being creative.

i take that back. i am creatively figuring how to get it all done.

and the good thing is, every fun creative project is right there waiting.

just like a really good friend.



odds and ends idea

hi all.
we have been so very busy that nothing besides pure requirement has seemed even appealing to me. however, after spending five hours at school yesterday getting the next two weeks in order, i am feeling a little better about everything i need to do. the next two weeks are crucial at school in terms of paperwork and deadlines, so i won't be blogging very often. and my poor husband has to close 16 homes this week... 16! so he will be busy too. i was lamenting our lame, un-creative, un-productive selves this past friday by tallying up the time we were spending laying on the couch. i said, 'we're lazy.' to which he replied, 'no, we are exhausted.' and he is right. which leads me to my point.

distractions and busy-ness completely stifle creativity.

and sanity.

and peace.

and i am slowly trying to reclaim creative time, sanity, and peace... especially the peace part. we are just going to get through it and be better on the other end. not sure if i mentioned it in my last post, but i am really going to try to see all of my ventures as a collective whole rather than one keeping me from the other. because i am the same person through all of my efforts, and i'd like all parts to be manageable together and fuel each other. the key will just be to be as intentional and efficient as possible.

if i am not making any sense, let's take a big sigh of relief as i end my late night rant of being overworked, overstressed, and overwhelmed at all the duties of life.


now, at school i had this big huge bag of remnant yarns that my mom gave me. they are super cool and were intended for use at school to teach kids how to knit. except they are sort of tricky- not the michael's type yarn that would be so good to just teach someone on.

so i have an idea. i want to make something like this:

i saw this picture recently (like in march or april) but i didn't write down where. so i'm very sorry to not give credit where it is so very much due.

this would be a great way to use remnants. i'd like to perhaps even sample some different (but complementary) stitch patterns in the various colors.

i just have a few questions:
-how will i determine what size needle to use? what if different remnants need different needles? how will i join them together if that is the case?


thoughts from the creative habit

this morning i woke up and left the house for a little journal time at starbucks. it was heavenly. back when i was single i would go to starbucks often on a weekend morning and read/journal for a while. it felt just like that this morning, and it was nice to have marc back at home to return to.

marc and i have been working so hard on our place, i haven't had much time to play around on things, but i am seeing our place as our own little space to be creative together: choosing paint colors, wall hangings, furniture, and creating an environment together that we both enjoy. it's fun, it's hard work, it takes a long time, and it is really exciting. i will post pictures when we finish. which will hopefully be soon.

and which explains why a trip to the coffee shop was such a treat.

i brought the creative habit with me and wrote down quotes from the book in my journal. (i'll be returning the book to my mom when i am finished, so i figure i should write down the good parts so i don't forget.)

thought that tonight i would share some of the quotes i liked. some are exact, some are paraphrased. when i journal, i sometimes copy verbatim and sometimes in my own words/as concepts.

in order to be creative, you have to know how to prepare to be creative.

what does it mean to be creative, and how do you go about it efficiently?

no one is born with that skill.
it is developed through exercise... repetition...
a blend of learning and reflection.

you need a working environments that are habit-forming.
when you enter into them,
they impel you to get started.

distractions and fears are the habitual demons
that invade the launch of every project.

so much of this book is confirming the thoughts and fears that i have had regarding my own endeavors.

thoughts like,
'where do i begin?'
'i should just try this and see what happens'
'is this something innate in me or do i develop it?'
i love her idea that creativity is actually hard work. i like that her definition of creativity doesn't discriminate based on talent, but instead focuses on the discipline required to shape talent. i am excited to read about her creative exercises and i love the anecdotes about creative 'habits' that people of all careers have developed. because creativity isn't limited to the craft world, it's part of how you approach anything you do.

it's a really good process book instead of the how-to books that i've been finding.


good moms hook their daughters up


this lovely set of fat quarters from fancy tiger. my mom just called and is buying herself a new project at the store. it was a good thing i wasn't there with her because she brings out the shopper in me. i had seen these fabrics on their blog a few days ago and made a mental note to check them out. so i asked her to take a look and she said they are wonderful. she also picked up a copy for me of mary thomas' book. awesome! i'm not sure what i will do with the fabric, but i am hoping to try a little embroidery inspired by richard saja.



dreaming of hawaii

i know that it's been a while since posting (for whomever may be reading my blog regularly!) but life has been so hectic lately that i have not had time to do proper research on any piece i have, nor have i had time to be creative. mostly i've worked nonstop and then read the twilight series as a getaway. (our book club gave in to an easy read this month, so i ventured into teen angst, and did not put it down until i was properly finished so i could feel good about something...anything...i could cross off my checklist.)

it's times like these that i start to fantasize about being in hawaii.

we went to hawaii for our honeymoon and it was truly such a perfect vacation.

so, i've decided to write about one of the things that we have on our walls in our bedroom.

hanging above our dresser are these two leis from our honeymoon in hawaii.

(for this post, i'm going to offer a little mood music...and then let you visit a little of my current 'happy place' through some honeymoon pictures.)

we stayed at the fairmont orchid for the first part of our honeymoon. it was such an amazing hotel... beauty around every corner, peaceful quiet, and amazing service. whenever life gets tough, we say, 'oh the fairmont!' it was our heaven-on-earth. these pictures show the grounds and the outdoor patio where we had breakfast the first day. it was blissful- soft music playing, lots of yummy food, and the best breeze ever.
that day we spent the entire day at the pool, under the hugest umbrella ever, on completely comfortable padded lounge chairs. unlike our other hotel, this one was deserted- we had the whole pool to ourselves, it seemed. marc slept and i read- perfect! i love the palm trees reflected in his sunglasses. :)

the second day we ventured out around the big island.
we went to a lovely botanic garden that was truly impressive. i also got eaten alive by mosquitoes, but that isn't part of my hawaiian daydreams anymore. :)
while we were out we found this little snack shack that had the BEST smoothies and i also had a chicken wrap that was uh-ma-zing. we sat on the porch and took in the scenery.
i loved the flora of hawaii and was amazed by the shapes i saw. i'm remodeling our place to be a little reminiscent of hawaii, and want to redo our pillows and decor... perhaps these pictures will inspire some lines and designs.

our copy room at school has pictures of hawaii posted up all over. in some ways, i think it is torturous that they are there- as if they are mocking how chained we are to our jobs. on the other hand, sometimes i sit there while i wait and imagine being in hawaii right at that moment. seriously, i want to go back. i know it is cliche, but there's a reason for it.

i've got a lot of stories to tell about me, and my mom, and i know i've shared a lot of lovey dovey stories about marc and i. but they're the easiest ones to tell b/c i already have the pictures and i know the stories. so for now, until i get my head above water, they are the ones i will share. plus, it was so wonderful to think on hawaii for a little bit, i had to share my pictures and music with you as well.

at least you know what i'm thinking. :)